IGCP Project 659

It is with sadness that I announce that our colleague Assia Harbi (born in 1964) passed away on 19 June 2021. She has got her PhD in Seismology in 2006 at the University of Algiers and was senior researcher in Seismology at the Research Center in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Geophysics (CRAAG) of Algiers, Algeria. Assia was Coordinator of NAGET and an ICTP Simons Fellow, Vice-President of the Arabian Geosciences Union, Founding member of the Algerian Society of Geophysics and member of the African Seismological Society. She provided supports to young researchers and students for the IGCP-601 and 659 activities through the NAGET programme. We regret her and send our deepest condoleances to her family and colleagues in Algeria.
The realistic assessment at a regional scale of geological and geophysical hazards requires the building of a databank The seismic hazards being among the major threats of the continent, seismotectonic studies and maps are a necessary step for the mitigation of earthquake disasters in Africa.